Sunday, May 6, 2012

Slut Walk.

Have you ever look at someone and immediately form a negative impression of him/her in your head? For example, whenever you read a news in the newspaper and there is a skimpily clad girl who just got raped and immediately you thought oh, she deserves it, wearing those clothes is just asking for trouble.

I can't help feeling angry whenever I hear people saying that. NOBODY deserves to be raped, NOBODY deserves to be subjected to this horrible act of violence and suffer from the scars for the rest of their lives, no matter what they did. I'm angry that the focus of the crime tends to shift to the victim instead on how the rapist should be punished.

I remember back home, a prominent figure commented that our school uniforms are too sexy and are invitations to get raped. This is so ludicrous, I wonder if he even thought properly before uttering such careless statement. They uniforms are long sleeved for goodness sake, how unsexy could they possibly go further?

To avoid rape, women are encouraged to take self defense classes, to not wear skimpy clothes and to not walk in dark alleyways. This makes me sad, because it seems the way women behave and dress are the main factors that caused them to be raped. Why can't men be taught to keep their desires to themselves and DON'T RAPE?

I find the pink banner really heartbreaking.

This is called a SlutWalk, a protest against any excuses that rape happens because of the way the victim is dressed. I find this really inspiring and I wanna join this walk one day if I could.

So yeah, change the way you think. It's not fair that the victim has to suffer from that traumatic experience plus the stigma. Respect and treat them as individuals and definitely not as victims who 'asked for it' . Enough is enough.

Till then

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