Friday, May 4, 2012


Haha, I was too bored and started experimenting with makeup just now. LOL. I tried to contour my nose but I don't think it made any difference (LOL, see yen yi, i told you flat nose can never be sharp LOL)  I still think makeup is extremely difficult to do. I really wonder how some people manage to put makeup on plus fake eyelashes every single day. To me, I rather use that extra precious time to sleep as I get very cranky if I'm sleep deprived.

Which is what I am these few days. My sleeping pattern is so annoying I don't even know how I got into this mess. Let me tell you, I would come back from lectures at about 3-5 and then I'll make a beeline for my bed and sleep till 10pm or 11pm. This means that I not only miss my dinner but also means that I couldn't sleep till like 4-5 am. So, technically I only get a maximum of 4 hours of sleep in order to make it to the morning lectures.

Thankfully today is Friday (cue: rebecca black's friday) and Monday is a bank holiday, so a total of 3 days of peaceful slumber. I know I'm such a bum, really can't be bothered to exercise. D:

I know that I really should heed to my parent's advice and exercise more often (my mom is alarmed by that sudden roundness of my face, despite me trying to reassure her that it has always been that round T_T) Climbing up the hills is still a tiring feat to me. I have to admit I'm extremely afraid to bump into my friends whilst walking up the hill because I have to match their paces which are as fast as Zeus's Thunderbolt plus Olympic's Usian Bolt's speed. LOL.

But sadly I'm not gifted in sports since I have such poor eye and hand coordination. Especially in sports involving balls, OH THE HORROR. I remember back in high school, I dreaded playing handball because my team members are usually the representatives of the school and would just pass the ball to each other while I stand awkwardly in the middle of the court, picking my nails. hahahahaha. I'm proud to admit that I'm a bench warmer and had done a marvelous job in keeping the seat toasty. hahaha.

But I do enjoy running and swimming since it's really just moving your limbs around. So MAYBE I'll go for a jog tomorrow morning (entry to the pool is too expensive) if I could reset my sleeping pattern to something remotely normal.

Study wise, this week is totally full of lectures. It's tiring but at the same time so interesting because we're studying the cardiovascular system  now and all the basic information that we learned previously are pieced together like jigsaw puzzles into a complete picture that finally makes sense. haha. Anatomy was really interesting too. I get to see a heart that underwent coronary bypass and how a pacemaker works. So yeah, despite the increasing workload, I do enjoy them immensely.

Anyway, I'm feeling sleepy now but I'll try to fight it cause I'm really sick of the persisting insomia. haha. wish  me luck yo!

Till then

1 comment:

yenkidenki said...

there`s a diff dei! it really looks sharper already! yesh, i also rather spend my time sleeping instead of putting make up. Make up only to cover up eyebags but sleeping reduces eyebags!LOL