Sunday, April 29, 2012

Oxford trip part 1

As promised, here it is!

It's seperated into two parts, not because it's too long but because I'm too lazy to do everything in one shot. LOL

So, during the Easter holidays, my friends and I made a trip to the wonderful city of Oxford. Besides the university, I actually do not know much about the city so the traveller side of me was excited to discover the hidden gems of the city.

Nina, my awesome buddy! With a lot of what I call 'first world problems' hahahaha! I remember the other day she was complaining about how her purse was so heavy cause she had too much money. LOL  so funny! :)

We spied a pretty hot air balloon and managed to capture this shot after 10 failed attempts. LOL. I would love to ride on a hot air balloon one day but I rather spend the 100 pounds on something more worthy. (summer dresses and ballet flats, sorry lah I'm just a girl)

Karansha the lovely! :)

 Ros the hyper! Love her bright red jacket and we joked that it's so difficult to lose her since we can spot it from miles away.


 Min, Ros, Nina :)

The university's History building. It's so pretty!

HAHA. We were so psyched to be be in the same land with all the Oxford smarties till we started breathing in the air deeply and touching the bicycle pedals to get their smartness. hahahaha! I do hope the bicycles belong to Oxford students. God knows what would happen if they belong to some serial killers or something LOL

After ooh-ing and aah-ing for a while, we decided to pop into a restaurant to get brunch.

Can someone please explain this painting to me?! It's so bizarre till I was rendered speechless. A man hugging a tree who is a man/woman? What does it mean? Omg, having a headache now. I think this is officially the weirdest painting I have ever seen in my whole life. LOL.

Pretty Lily and her scrummy pancakes.

And my big fat greedy breakfast. I love english breakfast so much! no regrets about my increasing waistline! (self comfort)

After the filling brunch, we head to Cormarket Street! It's a major shopping and pedestrian street in Oxford.

By the way, I love the buildings in Oxford. When I strolled down the street, I couldn't help stopping once in a while to admire the beautiful antique buildings with their intricate details. I felt like I was transported back to the ancient period where the buildings are old and russet. Nowadays. people are so caught up in their own cocoons till they forget to stop and appreciate what really matters the most. 

This picture is a bit dark but I love the contrasting features. The weather was so lovely that day. The sky was my favourite shade of blue and the breeze was at the right temperature, not too chilly :)

 This building is apparently hundred of years old.

A very talented musician! I wanted to donate but no coins :(

The symbolic red telephone booth!

St Michael at the Northgate. The tower of the Church of england parish church of St Michael at the Northgate is the oldest building in Oxford. It is Saxon and dates from about AD 1000–50. The church is named after the medieval gate of Oxford's city walls that spanned the north end of Cornmarket. (source: wikipedia)

Chinese traditional clinic! Weirdly, I realized I've never tried acupuncture before. Shall put that on my list.

We were brought to the place where the supposedly best milkshake in Oxford is sold.

Look at the crazy selections we can choose from!

 Nina and I played safe and ordered the oreo cookies. It was so GOOD. The milkshake was smooth and sweet, but not the sickly sweet kind. One cup was definitely not enough but we have to save space for more treats!

 The supposedly best cookie too. We got the milk chocolate cookie. Well, it was good to me but it would taste so much better if it's warm. I think it would go really well with soft served ice cream.

 Huge prawns! Ohhh I'm craving for prawn tom yum soup.

I want this for my graduation! It's sooo cute.

A mini replica of Radcliff Camera.

Isn't this just too adorable?! My first time seeing a gay wedding cake. :)

City council.

Okay that's it for today!!

Till then.

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